Tuesday 5 November 2013

Students Union Work

Since I have been back to university I have been working hard for the Students Union because I have taken up my role as Digital Content Producer again. So far I have worked on a couple of filming projects and also have some lined up for the next few weeks. I enjoy working for the SU because it gives me time to practice my skills and develop my techniques with filming and editing. We get to go to various locations as well and shoot. For example, we went to the IM Marsh to film part of the Have Your Say video that we made.
Everyone in the Students Union are really helpful and encouraging, they give us the freedom of creativity with their videos as long as we meet the brief. I like having a part time job that is relevant for my course and chosen subject; it makes going to work that bit more enjoyable.
Third year is starting to get very hard with the work load and I have a lot to do, my calendar at the moment is very full, so I am fitting as much work and work experience in as I can. I now have another part time job in retail mainly because I need the money.

All of this hard work will hopefully pay off when I finish university; the work experience I am having with the SU is invaluable and is also perfect because I get paid as well. I just hope that I can continue to fit it in alongside all my studies and everything else!

Speak Soon!

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