Saturday 16 November 2013

Production Project - Development - Object Study

So today I decided to study all of the objects in my kitchen that I could possibly use for my animation. I got everything out that I think would be usable and left the things that were too big, didn't move a lot, didn't have 'character' as such as well as those that didn't stand up.

Here are the photograph studies of them with a description of their movements that could be helpful when animating.

Clear bottle stopper

  • Stands up, slightly unbalanced
  • Can turn easily
  • Lies down for a different angle or story purpose
  • Could be looking for the wine bottle he is supposed to be on top of
  • Lighting could be a problem (see through)

2 yellow bottle stoppers

  • A bit wobbly standing up (should be okay)
  • Could be a couple because they are a matching pair
  • Yellow (bright colour - different from general silver utensils)
2 red and white teacups
  • Small and easy to move around
  • Can be lay down if needed
  • Could be a couple, or twins
  • 'Posh' characters - expensive looking
2 Chinese soup spoons
  • Blue and white porcelain spoons
  • 'Siamese twins'?
  • Don't have a lot of mobility
  • Could just use as background characters
  • Something different to use, wouldn't expect them
 A kettle

  • Chrome and sleek looking
  • Lid can open and close like a mouth
  • On and off bottom can also move
  • Bulky but could be a manly utensil (father figure)
  • Can have it 'boiling' when angry
Can opener
  • Lots of maneuverability but doesn't stand (could find a way)
  • Handles look a lot like legs (would walk like a cowboy)
  • Could be an intruder to the kitchen (borrowed item doesn't belong)
  • Stands alone, very tall
  • Not a lot of maneuverability but can wobble and turn
  • Could be stupid lanky one (wrong place wrong time)
  • Could be running joke that he doesn't fit in the frame
Cheese grater
  • Silver 4 sided grater with various holes
  • One side looks a lot like a face (sideways smile)
  • No bendable parts but can move around well
  • Other utensils could be scared in case he cuts them
Yellow bowl
  • Has a face anyway so it could be a strange expressionless character
  • Looks like a child so would have a young mind
  • Another background character maybe?
  • Pleasant - the village idiot

Sugar, tea and coffee pots
  • Lids lift up all different ways and can be removed
  • All 3 are the exact same - could be a group of singers
  • Red and glossy (look great on camera)
  • If one is knocked over the contents can spill out (death/injury)
  • Lids make a popping sound when opened
 Bottle opener

  • Looks a lot like a person anyway (head, arms, etc)
  • Has a lot of movement but not so steady standing
  • Can fully turn and lift the handles up and down (excitement)
  • Could be the erratic character with lots of energy
Salt and pepper mills
  • Could be a couple
  • Not much movement but they are electric so sound would be good
  • They light up when 'turned on'
  • Tall figures so they are larger than most utensils
  • Main story?
 These are all the things I could find that I might be able to use but this coming week I am going to go prop shopping to find some objects that I might be able to bring to life. I am not starting the script until I have chosen all of the objects that I am going to use because I can then work the script around them.

I am going to look at starting the accompanying website this week so that I have the platform ready for the animations to go on, I am going to research other animations as well to get some ideas about what story lines to go with and maybe even some object ideas too.

I need to figure out soon what I am going to record all of the sound effects on because they are going to be a main feature in the animations. I have used the edirol before but wasn't very impressed so may need to find something else.

Speak Soon!

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