Thursday 25 October 2012

Applied Media Research - Nine Lives Media

Today Nine Lives Media came in to talk to us about their company and to give us a question to answer for them. This is the final question that we are going to be given for this module assignment.
The focus that Nine Lives Media gave us was about multi-platform experiences and how the media can cross over on two various platforms to enrich viewers perceptions of the shows that they watch.

Examples of multi-platform shows are:

Million Pound Drop
X Factor
Britain's Got Talent
Strictly Come Dancing
Big Brother
The Walking Dead
So You Think You Can Dance
Got To Dance

Most game shows now are multi-platform in the sense that you can join in online or through mobile phone apps. Million Pound Drop is something that we looked at in more detail.
For those of you who don't know, The Million Pound Drop is a game show where you start with a million pounds and you have to basically bet the money on answers to questions. You can play along online or you can play on your mobile. The mobile app allows you to play when they show isn't on as well but you have to pay for the privilege.
This is a perfect example of the multi-platform experience because it crosses over on to mobile and internet content. Being able to interact with the show gives it that extra content allowing viewers to become involved and the show really does encourage it. During the show, Davina Mccall will refer to what players online are doing.
They also encourage tweeting as many shows do now. They read tweets out where people have been talking about the show; adding another layer to the experience.

After the discussion, we were given this question from Mike Lewis who is the Head of Current Affairs and Executive Producer at Nine Lives Media:

'Which are the three most successful ever example of cross platform television programming? How did viewers participate and most importantly, what did they gain from the experience?'

My Reflection
I think that this question is my favourite out of the three that we have been given. Multi-platform media is something that is really current and there will be a lot of research available for this exercise. Hopefully when the questions are given out I will get this one!

You Learn Something New Everyday
Nine Lives Media have done a lot of documentary shows for Channel 4 which I actually love watching! Most recently 'The Human Mannequin'.

Speak Soon!
Image courtesy

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