Tuesday 30 October 2012

TV Studio Production - TV Shows!

So I have decided to research in to different TV shows for inspiration towards our pilot for Channel 4. I am really excited about this assignment and so I want to make sure the show is worthy of being on Channel 4. I want to impress Ed Pugh with our show because fingers crossed he will be watching them at the end of the year!

Firstly I looked into Alan Carr: Chatty Man; now I know this isn't a daytime/afternoon show like our brief but it's good to look at because of the layout and the way Alan Carr conducts himself throughout the show.
I really like that he has an entrance for the guests; his stairs. Sorry about the awful picture, but what I am getting at is that it is nice that he has a meeting area so that he can introduce the guest and then an entrance is made. I think we would use something along these lines with the flats rather than stairs (our budget being zero and all!).
The guest is the main feature and so instead of them just appearing on the set by a cut or just walking over; it would look more professional to have them walk on through something like an archway.
What else I was looking at on Alan Carr is his interview area.
He usually has a large couch because the guest numbers vary (e.g. if there is a band on). He then sits on his own single seat chair. I like his single seat and think these sort of seats would be nice to use. His set is very busy which is something I don't think we should do; I am hoping we go down the simplistic look as this will look more modern and classy. Alan's set is more like a living room than anything else which is a good aspect to the show as I suppose it makes people feel more at home - the guests and the viewers! However, I think really Channel 4 is looking for something quirky and the whole living room setting has been done and done again. 

The next show that I decided to look at was The Charlotte Church Show. Again this is another evening show, but I am looking more at the set rather than the content.
Her set was very homely but also abstract with large decorations and stand out colours. She has a large couch to fit a multitude of guests on but the couch is also where she sits so it is more intimate with the guests and she can make a connection. I really like the round glass table, the glass allows you to see more of the set but still a table can be used for decorations and drinks. This makes the interview area a little less plain.
One thing I will say about this show is that I want ours to be a lot more simplistic and less like a living room. I think that the living room set has been overdone and so I would not like to follow this trend.
Loose Women has this daytime TV talk show down to a T. Its simplistic layout and focus on 2 or 3 specific colours makes the set classy and elegant. The fun and flirtatious hosts of the show are the focus rather than what is going on in the background. The set is not busy at all, there isn't clutter and it looks on the verge of boring; however they pull it back with the strange shapes and patterns.

Speak Soon!

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