Saturday 13 October 2012

Digital Media Cultures - Essay Titles!

Today our essay titles were released on blackboard and I have had a look through them. There are 3 that I have got my eye on but I need to research each one to see what reference's are available, etc. Here are the essay titles and the ones that I like are in bold.

  1. How are public service broadcasters responding to the challenges of the contemporary media industry?
  2. 'Developments in digital technology are democratising the media industry' discuss.
  3. Choose one area of the cultural industry and assess the impact that the internet has had on the way that particular industry operates.
  4. Outline and discuss the shifts in the relationship between producer, text and audience. Your work should acknowledge recent theoretical shifts in audience studies.
  5. Analyse the impact of formats on the TV industry. Your essay should also analyse debates that relate to the potential social and cultural impact of formats on audiences.
  6. Analyse the relationship between developments in media and the processes of globalisation.
  7. 'The pursuit of profit has become the driving force in the development of media and has ultimately ha a negative impact upon culture' discuss.
  8. Outline and discuss the impact Apple have had on the contemporary media industry.
  9. Choose one area of the media industry and assess how the shift from analogue to digital has impacted upon the industry.
The essay is due 3rd December and we receive our feedback 7th January. We have to use the Harvard Referencing Guide to reference our essays which we have used before so I know how to use this. We were given a few notes when discussing the questions:
  • Create a plan and avoid tangents.
  • Provide context (e.g. contemporary media industry)
  • Feel free to make predictions but do not speculate, show evidence.
  • Not a history of the topic. Assume the reader knows this.
  • Not just a descriptive account but an argument.
I am going to look in to the three questions that I would like to do and see how much content I would be able to create before diving in to one of them.

Speak Soon!

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