Monday 1 October 2012

Beyond The Camera - Photoshop Development

In this module we are currently working on Photoshop compositing for our first assignment. I have started thinking about the idea that I would like to do so here are my personal notes and sourced images that I have collected.
First of all I was thinking about doing a cinema screen with one person sat watching in 3D glasses. I wanted the content of the screen to be coming out at the viewer. I collected a few images just to refer my lecturer to as ideas:-
 So I was thinking either a side on view of the screen or from the back. I had access to the Odeon cinema in Liverpool One to do this as my friend works there.

 These three other images were ideas of what I could have coming out of the screen, as if they were 3D. I thought a stampede would be interesting but then it would be a lot of hard work cutting around a sourced image. Then I thought I could get my friends to pose as either superheroes or zombies. This would have been a better idea because then all the images would be mine and none would be sourced.

After this thought process I was ready to start producing an image but then unfortunately I have been unwell and so not able to really go far to get images (such as the cinema screen). I decided to revamp my idea and make it something more simple. 

I moved on to the idea of someone walking through a wall, as if they had super powers or as if the wall was a portal. I looked at the idea of platform 9 and 3/4 from the Harry Potter series and this was a nice influence to have (as I am a MASSIVE fan). However I couldn't really find any stills from the film to demonstrate what I mean, so I sourced this image:-
This was just to give a sense of what I wanted to achieve; the look of travelling through a brick wall.
When researching into walking through walls, I discovered a statue that is in Paris, France called 'Le Passe-Muraille' or 'The Man Who Walked Through Walls'. This was even more of an inspiration because you can actually see more of my intent through this sourced image:-
The only issue with this image is that I want to get the effect of someone heading in to the wall rather than out through the wall - but you get the idea! Hopefully I can meet the deadline and come out with something that meets the goals I have set myself.

Speak Soon!

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