Wednesday 10 October 2012

TV Studio - Recording Our Show!

Today we finally got to record our show 'Making Stuff', where we had to make a paper airplane for kids. We arrived early in the morning because we had a lot of stuff to set up. Jodi had done a wonderful job on the set and so we all helped piece it all together in the studio. Here is a quick photograph I took when it was all set up.
We really wanted to work hard on this piece even though we are not being marked on it because we wanted to show that our group dynamics were working well and also that the roles that we have chosen are spot on.
Once we had set the show up, we had a rehearsal so that we could see the lighting, script and cameras were all correct and ready to go. We had a lot of help from the lecturer and she gave us a lot of tips which we appreciated. We had a lot of compliments about the set and the fact that we had camera scripts ready for each camera. I think that we made a very positive impression for this assignment. 
Shooting the show was fairly straight forward, except for throwing the paper airplane at the end! As I'm sure the other groups realised, its hard to film a paper airplane flying, especially when it wouldn't play along! We got there in the end though and I believe that our final recording went very well indeed.

My Reflection
I am very happy with our recording today, we worked hard as a group and the results of this will hopefully reflect back to the lecturers. I loved using the studio and I would have to say this is my favourite module. The equipment is amazing and I feel very privileged to be using it all. I think that the roles that we all have in the group are working very well so working on our main project should be good fun. I wanted to show the lecturers that our group dynamics were working well because I had a lot of trouble last year with other people not pulling there weight. I am very happy with our group now and I think that our show will be successful.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Working on the camera today, I learned how to use the camera a lot better. For example, the weight and movement of the camera became more familiar to me. I now feel more competent using these new cameras and I am excited to use them again!

Speak Soon!

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