Friday 19 October 2012

TV Studio Production - Meeting 1

In our first meeting for our TV Pilot for Channel 4, we were all expected to come with ideas for a guest for the show. I think that I have done a substantial amount of research into various guests and items that we could possibly have on the show. Here is the diagram that I created with all the different guests that I though we could use:
As you can see I went down a few routes: fashion, cake makers, dance, Liverpool Olympians and finally an 'other category . The other is just basically quirky guests that I found whilst researching around Liverpool. Once I created this diagram I started to contact the various guests that I had in mind. I started to collect information on them and also images of them and their work.
During the meeting I described the various ideas that I had, but the most prominent to the rest of the group was 'House of Scouse'. Here is all the information about them and their fashion line.
Through searching on various blogs and websites about fashion in Liverpool, I came across this designing duo. David Lynn and Luke Moorhead are two fashion graduates from the London College of Fashion and University of the Arts London. They have created their own fashion line together and appropriately named it 'House of Scouse' as both designers are from Liverpool.
The quirky style that their clothes have is something that should be celebrated and talked about because nothing like this is on the street at the moment. You get the sense that the two of them love high fashion (from their website - The bright colour's and contrasts would look great on camera and having a fashion show as their segment would be appropriate.
Here are a few images from the website to give you an idea of the style they have.

As you can see from the images of their clothing line, they are very different designers of menswear. I think the extremity of their clothing is what has interested the rest of the group in them.

From our first meeting we all got to see everyone's ideas and discuss them with our tutors. We have not yet decided on an idea yet because there were a few interesting ones that cropped up. We are going to have a meeting to discuss this and see who we can definitely get out of the ones we are interested in.

Speak Soon!

Images courtesy of

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