Thursday 4 October 2012

TV Studio Production - Meeting!

Our group for the TV Studio module decided to get together today to have a production meeting about all of our roles and what else needed to be done towards the 'paper airplanes' segment that we need to do next week!
Here is the agenda I created for the meeting:

  1. Have all the set finalised. Try and get in to the studio, test the set out and take photographs.
  2. Go over the presenters script - see if it flows, makes sense and is long enough.
  3. Go through camera script and see if it matches up with the presenters script.
  4. Make sure everyone knows their roles for the day - who is on what camera, etc. Make sure everyone is feeling positive.
  5. Any questions should be answered today - e.g. the presenters clothing and the flying of the plane at the end of the show.
After I presented these items to the group, we then went through each step and discussed what needed to be done. We first addressed the set design and where we were with it. Jodie has done a wonderful job of painting some wall paper to go on the flats that we are using and has also made a title for the show that will drape in front of the table that we will use. We have also been working hard making lots of paper airplanes just to go around the set. 
After we had checked this item off the list we decided to see if we could go in to the studio to see if the wallpaper fitted on the flats. We went in to the studio and we were able to have a little mess around and see what our set is going to look like. I took a few photographs:-

 As you can see from the photographs, this is what we are going to have the set looking like. However, the other two flats will also be covered by similar patterns, but they were drying off so Jodie wasn't able to bring them in. Doing this allowed us to visualise what we are going to have on the day of the recording.

The next item that we covered was the presenters script and also the camera script together. These two scripts run alongside each other and so need to marry up. We wanted to make sure that the shots fitted well with the speech and also with the demonstration that will be going on.
Here is the presenters script that Kirsty wrote:-

“Hello kids and welcome to this weeks episode of 'Making Stuff!'
If you tuned in last week you will have learned how to make a big chocolate cake with your parents! 

Well this week we are learning how to make paper air-planes! This is one of the best makes we have done yet because there are sooooo many different planes you can make!”
“Here is all the ones I have made earlier – This is my favourite one” (Picks up a paper air-plane) 

“Now we are going to make our own paper air-planes together. First of all, you need to get a piece of paper like this one” (Holds up a piece of paper), “Once everyone has their piece of paper, we then place it flat down on the table like this.” (Place piece of paper down) “This is just to make it easier to fold our paper for making our air-plane”

“The next step kids is going to be folding the 2 top corners on the shorter end of the piece of paper so that they meet in the middle of the page, like I am now doing. This is going to be the front of our air-planes.” (I will then lift up my piece of paper to show).

“Now to make the body of our air-plane we are going to fold the paper in half long ways, just as I am doing now, keeping the folded parts to the outside” (close up may be needed here to help explain)

“The last step to creating our paper air-planes is creating the wings. This is the part that helps make our air-plane fly”. We create this part by folding down a short section down the long sided piece of paper the way I am showing now. (Hold up the air-plane to make it more clear to children watching)

Now you should have your very own paper air-planes kids. Time to test them out. (Throw paper air-plain)
That all we have time for kids, but I hope you all enjoyed our session of making paper air-planes. Don't forget to come back and join us next time on “Making stuff”. Goodbye (Waves to camera)

We all agreed that this script is fitting for what we want out of the show we are making. I suggested a few things about talking when she is making the planes. She could bring up some information that I have researched about their history, etc. Here's what I was thinking of:-
Maybe if Kirsty is stuck for content whilst she is making the plane, she can use some of this information to fill in the time where she isn't speaking.

After this, we looked at the camera script that Ian created. Here it is :-

Camera 2 - (Midshot) “Hello kids and welcome to this weeks episode of 'Making Stuff!'
If you tuned in last week you will have learned how to make a big chocolate cake with your parents!  Well this week we are learning how to make paper air-planes! This is one of the best makes we have done yet because there are sooooo many different planes you can make!”

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up of plane) “Here is all the ones I have made earlier – This is my favourite one” (Picks up a paper air-plane)

Camera 2 - (midshot) “Now we are going to make our own paper air-planes together. First of all, you need to get a piece of paper like this one”

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up) (Holds up a piece of paper),

Camera 2 - (midshot)“Once everyone has their piece of paper, we then place it flat down

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up) on the table like this.” (Place piece of paper down) “

Camera 1 - (Medium Close up of kirsty)This is just to make it easier to fold our paper for making our air-plane”

Camera 1 - (Medium close up) “The next step kids is going to be folding the 2 top corners on the shorter end of the piece of paper so that they meet in the middle of the page,

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up on plane) like I am now doing. This is going to be the front of our air-planes.”

Camera 1 - (medium close up) (I will then lift up my piece of paper to show).

Camera 2 - ( mid shot) “Now to make the body of our air-plane we are going to fold the paper in half long ways,

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up on plane) just as I am doing now, keeping the folded parts to the outside”

Camera 2 - (mid shot) “The last step to creating our paper air-planes is creating the wings. This is the part that helps make our air-plane fly”. We create this part by

Camera 3 - (cut in to close up) folding down a short section down the long sided piece of paper the way I am showing now. (Hold up the air-plane to make it more clear to children watching)

Camera 1 - (medium close up) Now you should have your very own paper air-planes kids. Time to test them out.

Camera 3 - (Wide shot/tracking) (Throw paper air-plain)

Camera 1 - (medium Close up) That all we have time for kids, but I hope you all enjoyed our session of making paper air-planes. Don't forget to come back and join us next time on “Making stuff”.

(Camera 2 Midshot) Goodbye (Waves to camera)

Again we agreed as a group that this is very good, Ian has complimented the presenters script very well. Finally, I wanted to see if anyone had questions: Kirsty needed to know what to wear for the show and so Jodie described what she would like for this and we also agreed on our final shot of the plane flying.

My Reflection
So this meeting was very productive and finally all of us were able to sit together and work as a team. Last time we tried to meet up not everyone attended so this is an improvement! We are working at a quick pace and getting everything done that needs to be done on time so I am happy with the results so far. Lets see how the show goes!

You Learn Something New Everyday
A little effort goes a long way? This is false. You need to give your whole self in to something if you want it to be successful. A little effort won't suffice in the media industry.

Speak Soon!

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