Monday 22 October 2012

Beyond the Camera - Soundscape Development

Last week we came up with a schedule which we miraculously stuck to which was amazing for us because we have achieved a lot in the past week.
We went out and collected footage, sound and images to use for this piece of work. We are now working on capturing the footage so that we can work with it and also find out what gaps we need to fill in so that the 'day in Liverpool' flows from early morning to late at night.
I like my photography and so for this project I am in charge of collecting the still images for the Soundscape that we are creating. Here are few of the photographs that I took whilst out filming with the group:

You can see the change in day just through the photographs that I have taken. We traveled round and found iconic things in Liverpool that represent what the city is and what city life is like. It's going to be somewhat of an advert or a display of all things Liverpool.
I think that we are progressing very well so far and we will have something to work with in the coming weeks. I have basically described our show as 'Liverpool in a day - morning til night; showing all aspects of life from working people, shopping, culture and city life. No narrator just sounds related to the images shown and the visual will travel through the city taking the viewer with it'.

Speak Soon!

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