Monday 15 October 2012

Beyond The Camera - Digital Audio Design

In this lecture we started with a presentation from the lecturer just giving us an insight in to what audio design is and how sound is used to create a certain feel in a scene. There was a fair bit of content which I have noted down just to remind myself of the points made. The main discussion that I was interested in was about the opening scene and trailer of 'The Shining' (1980). Basically we looked at the original:
Then we looked at a few takes that people had on the scene. These are taking something completely out of its context through the use of sound.

I find the second one hysterical because I love the film but this take on it is just brilliant! It just shows exactly what music and sound does to our perception of the images that we are seeing

After the bulk of the lecture, we were then divided in to groups to start working on our assignment which is to create a soundscape. I had the idea of creating a day in the life of Liverpool which would involve sounds from early morning to late at night. Me and my group decided to create a list of places that we should go to collect the sounds and also things that we might hear:
Morning until night
Bin men/street cleaners
Shopping centres
Liverpool One
The Beatles
Bold Street
Echo man

We then also decided to crack on with making a schedule of when we can go out and collect the sounds, photographs and footage that we would need.
Here is our schedule:

Tuesday 23rd October
9am - Meet at University building to pick up equipment
9am-11am - Albert Docks and Liver Buildings
11am-12pm - Liverpool One
12pm-1pm - Matthew Street
1pm-2pm - Find a shop to collect sounds
2pm-3pm - Bold Street
3pm-4pm - Cathedral

Thursday 25th October
5am-7am - Early morning shoot
Cleaners, market set up, traffic, Lime Street
9pm-11pm - Late night shoot
Music, laughter, people, drinks/glasses, party

We realise that we have set ourselves a large task but we intend to get as much done this week as possible so that we have something to build on for the final assignment which is due Monday 10th December.

Speak Soon!
Videos courtesy of 

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