Sunday 20 October 2013

Channel 4 - Utopia - Work Experience - Day 2

Today was the second day of the Utopia shoot in the Liverpool Film Office and it was amazing! I had the best time watching it being filmed and then helping clear up afterwards. It was hard work but definitely worth it because I learned a lot about live sets and Richard again was kind enough to share lots of his knowledge of the industry. From the photos you will see that we did a lot of random stuff as well. We were sent out to buy carpet cleaner to clear all the fake blood that was left, we were then sent out to buy at least 50 bottles of wine to put one on every desk in the office, we then were sent to buy £140 worth of pizza (for us to all eat) and finally we went for a well deserved pint that Richard paid for in a posh hotel!
To date, this has to be one of the best work experiences that I have been on. The knowledge that I have gained from this is invaluable and its all thanks to the Production Unit at university - shout out to Paula Baines for being an absolute star and finding all of these jobs for us!
I hope to get further work like this in the future because Richard was kind enough to take our details and also asked us to send over our CV's for him to take a look at. I'm excited for the future!

Speak Soon!

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