Sunday 6 October 2013

Work Based Learning - Progression

I am making some really good progress with my Work Based Learning Report, just working through each section gradually and I am finding it straight forward. One thing that I am having a small issue with is that I need some information from the company I worked for but at the moment they are very busy so are unable to help. They emailed me back and basically said that as soon as they can they will help me with my questions about funding, etc. I am just going to keep emailing them until they are able to give me the information. They are very nice people and will definitely help me when they can.

Here is the front cover of my report (I am kind of proud of this, it looks professional!). Front covers are my specialty because I spend a lot of time procrastinating and so the cover always ends up good at least!
I think that because I kept a diary and have a lot to go off from my placement, this report is made a lot easier. The fact that I have 3 months worth of work to talk about also helps because I can choose the best things that I did such as filming in the parliament buildings to talk about. I have a lot of things to analyse in terms of things that I could have done better so I am happy with my work so far. Lets see how it goes!

Speak Soon!

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