Tuesday 8 October 2013

Wray Bros Interview

So today I had an interview for Liverpool based company Wray Bros to be their production manager creating their media content. I am one of three people who have interviews with them so I have made it to a pretty good stage. I had no idea really what I was getting myself in to; I didn't know what content they needed producing so of course before I went in I had a look at their website.
Basically what they are looking for is someone to be in charge of their new studio to shoot models on a rotating catwalk and also take photographs. The content also needs to be edited so they shown me all the equipment and the editing suite that they have.
They were very nice to me and it was very informal the whole process; I took a sneaky photograph on my phone of their studio just to show my parents where I could be working if I got the job.
So after today I have to go in again soon for a session where they can see what practical skills I actually have. This is really exciting but I am also nervous because I have not used their particular equipment. But we will see how it goes; just waiting for an email to tell me when to go back!

Speak Soon!

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