Friday 25 October 2013

Creative Media Practice - Final Project Proposal

For my final project in Creative Media Practice I will be creating a short film using the triptych skills that I learned in sessions 1 and 2. Following on from the short film that I made within a group; I am going to use the stop motion animation technique with physical objects. I have decided to use a desk lamp (much like the Pixar Luxo Lamp) to tell the story.

A lamp tries to find itself a power source around a house. Searching for somewhere that he fits in and also somewhere that he is useful. He tries various rooms around the house and various sockets to switch himself on. He finally finds a computer desk that he fits perfectly on and lights up the desk full of books and work.

Use of triptych:
I am using triptych in this final project because it was my favourite out of the small tasks that I took part in within this module. I missed many of the sessions due to illness; so it is also the skill that I know most about. I am going to use the triptych technique to show the different places the lamp goes to; making it seem like he is searching forever. I will also use the 3 different frames to divide the footage to lengthen the story and divide the rooms and spaces.

Link to Production Project:
I am looking to create an animation for my final year Production Project and so this practice will help give me the confidence and skills to create an improved stop motion later in the year. I think that this task will allow me to experiment more with triptych techniques and also develop my After Effects knowledge.

I find myself extremely interested in Pixar Animation Studios and so the idea of the lamp came to me through that interest. I also observe the use of real life objects coming to life and having a mind of their own; which is included in many of the Pixar films such as the Toy Story trilogy. I like the challenge of giving an inanimate object life and a personality.


From this point I intend to make a short script for the film which will allow me to realise which locations within my house I would like to use. There will be no speech so I need to source some sounds of either my own or from the internet using Sound Cloud or the likes. I will also employ some fitting theatrical music to emphasise the lamps feelings and expression. I will also study the lamp and in what ways I can move it through its joints and also how I will make it 'walk'. I think I will use the plug and wire as a sort of tail that it will use as an arm in some cases to pull itself up or move things around.

Speak Soon!

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