Saturday 5 October 2013

Liverpool John Moores Open Day Work

Today I got to work alongside a fellow student at the open day for our university. Our job was to basically give prospective students an idea about our course, the work, the placements and also the different modules that we have. We were with a couple of the lecturers as well so we got to spend time with them discussing the course and it was a lot of fun and really interesting.

I met at least 100 people and spoke to many students interested in our course which is changing from 'Media Professional Studies' to 'Media Production' next year. I answered lots of questions about the course and I found this very easy because not only have I nearly finished my university experience, but I am the course representative so I generally know more than most about the ins and outs of the course.

We also had to attend a short presentation about the course that the head of the department delivered which was very insightful for all the students and parents who attended. We then went on a tour of the building and its facilities. This was my favourite part because people were more comfortable asking questions when they were walking around rather than raising their hands in the talk. They asked questions during the tour about everything down to what people have to do to get a place on the course.

I still love going in to the TV studio in the Redmonds Building because it is amazing that we have that sort of equipment at our fingertips. Going in with people who have never seen it before is even better because their reactions are great. 

I appreciated this opportunity, because I was happy to get paid but also it was nice to welcome people who will be starting when I finish. These people are just like I was 3 years ago and its crazy to think how far I have came since then.

We even got a free lunch! Which of course was the main attraction for all of the students working today so we all gladly took our goody bags and munched them down after a long day of talking and reaching dry mouth status.

And no day would be complete without a selfie!
Speak Soon!

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