Thursday 3 October 2013

Creative Media Practice - Tryptych

In today's first Creative Media Practice session we learned what 'tryptych' means. In its oldest and simplest form, a tryptych piece of art is that of a panel board either carved or painted with 3 different but relating scenarios on them. Here are a few images of this:

This original form of triptychs told stories and so throughout the ages artists that have used the triptych style have done the same. Having 3 relating pieces has been used by artists such as Francis Bacon. He has used this many times in his work as you can see in these examples.
As you can see Francis Bacon has employed his own style in to the art, and it is a very different idea from the religious carvings of the original triptychs. The triptych technique can also be used in the form of video. Here are 2 examples of what I mean.

Using triptych within video can allow for many different effects. The 3 different videos can play simultaneously, or at varied times to give desired outcomes or move the story in a certain direction. The 3 videos can either be totally related and show a development in 1 story scenario like the second video, or be 3 totally unrelated sequences that are simply related through one factor (like the first video - I.E. hands).

From the introduction that we have had in to the triptych style, we have now been asked to create our own triptych piece of video. We are allowed to do it about anything, use any equipment we like, and tell any story. The only rule we need to follow is that is uses triptych in some sense.

My group decided that we would have a little discussion on various ideas on what we could do. We decided that we would make a stop motion animation using Starbucks cups. Don't ask me where this idea came from; just a strange brain wave I guess!

Here are my notes from the meeting just to give an idea of where we are heading:
Just some rough notes and ideas, but the general idea is that we are going to create a triptych stop frame animation using 3 cups and the basic story is a love triangle. We have decided to use a DSLR camera to take the photographs that we are going to put together. We have booked out a 7D DSLR from university and we are going to do it on the premises so that we can just work quickly without having too much disturbance.

We are expected to have this finished by tomorrow afternoon so we are going to be working all day tomorrow taking photographs and editing the piece together using Adobe After Effects! Should be fun an I will post another blog tomorrow with the final video and some photographs from the shoot.

Speak Soon!

Image Credits:

Video Credits:
Erin McMahon

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