Friday 18 October 2013

Channel 4 - Utopia - Work Experience

Another amazing work experience opportunity I managed to get this month was working on the set of the 2nd season of Channel 4's Utopia. Myself and a few other students were runners for the location manager Richard Knight. We were moving furniture today and preparing the location for the shoot on Sunday. The location happens to be the Liverpool Film Office as well so that was cool to see what goes on there.

Richard is a great guy who spoke a lot about his job and the ways to access the industry. We had a lot of fun talking to him and other people who were working on the shoot. The building we are working in is amazing and the views of the city are fantastic!

We are working at the actual shoot on Sunday where we can watch the filming and experience what its like to be on a live set. We will be working much later then, but we are getting paid for both days so its totally worth it as well as the experience! Can't wait to see the set in action, I will blog again on Sunday night to let you know how it went!

Speak Soon!

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