Thursday 29 March 2012

First year of university...

Well I literally cannot believe how quick this first year of Media Professional Studies at LJMU has gone! It has flew by and so much has happened! I am looking forward to next year in our new amazing building, but for now I am reminiscing about this first year.
I love meeting new people, and on this course I have made some wonderful friends who I hope to stay friends with for a very long time. I never thought that I would move out of my house but from July I will be living with three girls off the course and I am so excited. Again this will be another new experience and I can't wait for it to begin!
I have learned so much this year; from filming and editing to how to be more creative. There has been ups and downs on the course with peers and also just because of stress due to deadlines. However, I think that it has been a very productive time in my life because I have made that step away from school and home. I now feel more independent and I think I have more skills than ever as a media student. I couldn't have asked for more, I have had the most fun ever with all of my new media student friends and I am entirely sure that it is going to carry on for the next two years (at least!). Although we still have some written work to be handed in, the first year is actually over - no more lectures! Now I suppose I need to get a job over the summer and start paying for this amazing flat that I am moving in to on Mount Pleasant (just around the corner from the new building). I don't think I have ever been more excited about the future!
Me and few others have decided that we still want to make some films and things over the summer so that is something more close to look forward to. We are called 'Imagine That? Media Productions' and are all, I would say, best friends! I will put a link to our Facebook page at the end.

So what I would like to say is thank you. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in this first year, thank you to everyone that I have met for making this big step in my life a fantastic experience, and basically - ROLL ON YEARS TWO AND THREE! Hope I see everyone over the summer, and if not, enjoy it while it lasts guys!

Here are links to all of my channels, blogs, pages, etc...

Lennon Media Productions Facebook
Lennon Media Productions Twitter
Lennon Media Productions Tumblr
Lennon Media Productions YouTube Channel
Imagine That? Media Productions Facebook

Speak soon!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

My Website :)

I have finally finished my website for Digital Media Tools and I am very happy with the final outcome. It has been a struggle learning how to use Dreamweaver for this project but I have come to terms with how complicated it can be. I think that from knowing nothing about Dreamweaver, to being able to use it efficiently is a leap in the right direction! I actually quiet now like making websites and I think in the future I am going to make the one that I have just done better or maybe start a whole now one. The reason for the website is to showcase all the work that I have done in university and also anything relevant from outside. I like having this website because all my work is now in one place instead of on different things such as YouTube and Tumblr. However, I do have links on my website to my YouTube channel, my photography blog on Tumblr, this blog, my Twitter account and also my Facebook page. Having used all of these sites to promote myself, I am very excited for the future to see where such things will take me! Here is the link to my website, I hope you all like it because I am very proud! Also, feel free to look around the linked sites aswell!

Lennon Media Productions Website

Speak soon!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Creativity and Concept - 15 minute presentation

Today we had to do our 15 minute presentation for the Museum of Liverpool exhibit. Again, our user group was Film Enthusiasts and so our exhibit was all about film. We had to present all of the work that we had done to 4 of the lecturers; it was a pitch for the museum piece as if we were actually going to make it. I think that the presentation went really well because we were able to use a Prezi, our Facebook page, camera equipment that we had set up to show what the exhibit would look like, posters that we printed off in various sizes and also users profiles that we created. The only thing that I think may mark us down is that it didn't seem like it went on for 15 minutes. Maybe that is just me because when we were doing it it just seemed to fly by, but who knows! I will link you to the Prezi and to the Facebook page and I will also show you the poster that we created.


Facebook Page

There are more images that I created on Photoshop on the Facebook page so feel free to take a look! Alls we need to do now is wait for our results, but that is Creativity and Concept over!

Speak soon!

Monday 26 March 2012

Production Practice - Factual Film Finished!

So waking up at 6.30am was not my favourite part of the day, I have to say; but we went in to university early to make sure that our editing was spot on for the factual film. We spent a few hours editing and then had spare time to neaten it all up. I am happy with the final edit and although I don't particularly like Avid, I am getting used to it. We even had enough spare time to add out takes on to the end of the film! After finishing the editing we had to show our films to the rest of the group and lecturers. I like doing this but it also does make me nervous in case it doesn't translate as an idea. I think that everyone liked it because we seemed to receive good feedback. Here is the film for your viewing pleasure - I apologise if the audio at the beginning is a bit dodgy because the DVD copy just went strange after we burned it. Enjoy!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel whilst you are here! - Subscribe

Speak soon!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Production Practice - Filming

Today we went out filming to the museum because we haven't quiet finished the factual film yet. We needed some interviews from people visiting the museum and also more steady shots of just the doors themselves. We also decided to do a time lapse of the outside of the museum because the weather was lovely and we wanted to make it our establishing shot. It was a very productive day and I took some photographs to document it.
I like to document our days of filming with photography because not only does it allow me to practice my photography, it shows that we have been out and filmed and shows the locations that we have been to.
We are hoping to edit the whole film tomorrow and Monday, I think we are making good time considering we haven't been able to get hold of people to interview, etc. Anyway...

Speak soon!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Museum Assignment

I have started more work on the Creativity and Concept work for the Museum of Liverpool exhibit. I have been off for about a week so I am slightly behind, but I decided to make a Facebook page for the fake exhibit. The reason that I have done this is because on the poster that I made, we have a Facebook logo saying follow us on Facebook.
I have tried to make the page look like other pages that I have seen on Facebook. I have made a few different images to on the page, I have put photographs that I have taken of the museum and also inside the museum. I have even put Google maps on the page to show visitors how to get to the museum. I think that having this extra bit of media will allow our exhibit to look like it is actually happening, because everyone uses Facebook to promote these days.
Here is the link to my Facebook page for the museum presentation:

Facebook Museum of Liverpool - Film Enthusiasts

Speak soon!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Digital Media Tools - My website :)

I have blogged about my original designs for my website, showing all the designs for the pages. I have since updated to look that I am going for because I thought that it needed something else. Here is what the pages look like now (still in Photoshop).
I have decided to add a background image to the pages because I thought that there was just too much white. I found an image on the internet but I have since edited it and changed it completely in Photoshop. I have matched the colours with the theme of the website and I have made it so the file is a PNG. This will make it much easier to put in to Dreamweaver next session. This is all the development that I have done for now, because I need to start using Dreamweaver and learning how to do everything. I think that I will be okay because we have done a few sessions of practice. I am confident that I will have my site ready for the deadline.
I also need to choose what content I would like to put on the website, this is things such as films, photographs, etc. I can't wait until I have a finished product!

Speak soon!

Contemporary Media Issues - Jacques!

So I have started heavily developing my fake online character for this lecture. Jacques is coming along nicely and so I will give you a sneak peak in to what he is like and he has posted online!
Firstly, I took a photograph of myself and edited it on Photoshop so that I looked more like a French man. Here it is!
Looking pretty French there... So I thought that this would do as the profile picture for all of the accounts that I have made. On Facebook, we have also created a group called 'Flat 34' and this is all of the members of our actual group in a Facebook group. We wanted it to look like we are real students who live together. Here is a screen shot of the group:
My Facebook is quiet detailed; I have given Jacques a lot of interests including books, films, etc. I have also included people who inspire him and even inspirational quotes that he likes. Here is the Facebook information page for Jacques:
As you can see I have tried to flesh out the character quiet a bit to make him believable. I tried to base it on what my real Facebook profile looks like in order to make it realistic. Facebook has also been used for events being made. For example, 'Sage' which is Becca's character, created a charity event about whales (because her character loves them!).
Here is the Facebook event for that:
We thought this would be a good idea because it is in Liverpool and also makes our characters have more of a life outside of Facebook. We all apparently went to this event (even though it was fake) and we also got our real Facebook's involved to spark more conversations and interactions. I decided to make a poster for this event, to make it more realistic still. Making the poster also adds to Jacques character as he claims to very creative. Here is the poster:
I started getting really in to this fake profile thing and it was as if I was really Jacques when I was logged in as him. Me and Elicia had a lot of interaction on Facebook as our characters were brothers. This allowed us to make conversations and give our 'walls' some more content. We all decided that Facebook wasn't going to be enough for the characters to seem 100%, so we went out further in to the social networks and made other accounts to interact on. Personally, my character has Twitter, eBay, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr and YouTube. I wanted to make all of these accounts because they are what I have so I know how to use them and also what to do to make them. I will now talk about Twitter.
The Twitter profile that I have made for my character looks like this:
I chose the background because I wanted it to look a bit 'artsy' and like he is sort of loving himself. Because he is French, I assume that he is in touch with his feminine side, without being homosexual. I have made him follow similar interests from his Facebook page. This includes a few photography pages and also all of the people he has on Facebook. We have had conversations on Twitter between the characters in our group but we have also interacted with members of other groups in their character. This made all of the characters seem like real people, giving them more connections and more of a personality. I have been concentrating very much on how Jacques speaks to give him personality traits. I have also tried to make him pretentious because he doesn't like the fact that he has to speak English even though he has moved to Liverpool.
Another account that I created is Tumblr. Tumblr is a blogging website but it isn't really for speaking but rather just expressing what you are interested in. Again this has allowed me to discover who Jacques is and what his likes and dislikes are. Here is his Tumblr:
Again I made the blog a bit pretentious. It has a simply layout theme to show his superiority but the things that he blogs about are not always sensible. I made the blog to show his obsession with certain subjects - World domination, moustaches and photography. Again, because he is French I have made his speak in French on the blog, but sometimes using English to get points across to his followers, etc. I have made him obsessed with moustaches because his and his brother have impressive ones themselves. The blog is his sort of outlet of all things that he likes because on Facebook he doesn't really speak about what he likes but rather what he dislikes.
I have also made this Pinterest account:
Pinterest is another outlet showing what Jacques is interested in, his Pinterest gives you an insight in to the fact that he is missing his home life in France. He talks briefly about this but he is obviously a closed off person who doesn't like to discuss his feelings.
I made a Flickr account (that isn't developed much) but he has uploaded photographs from when he was in Paris. I actually took these photographs when I was in Paris so they are not copied!
Making a Flickr account supports the fact that he says that he is very interested in Photography. Of course I haven't got too many photographs to show, but alongside all of the other work I am hoping this will do! I also made an eBay account which is visible through his Facebook page because he shares links to his wall and also to other people. Here are all of the usernames for Jacques accounts for you to add him or just go on and have a look!

Facebook: Jacques Benoit Dubois
Twitter: JacquesDubois26

Tumblr: jacquesdubois26
Pinterest: Jacques Dubois
Flickr: JacquesDubois26

I also provided my two email accounts for Jacques on Facebook incase anyone wanted to get in touch:

I did make a YouTube for mine and Elicia's characters to have a vlogging channel but I don't think we will have time for it. However here is the logo that I made for our 'company':
I wish it was real because I love this logo! Anyway, the presentation for these characters is next week so we will see what happens!

Speak soon!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Creativity and Concept - More Development

In another Creativity and Concept lesson, me and Ashleigh further developed our work for the Museum of Liverpool project. In this lesson I created an advertisement poster and also a diagram of the museum exhibit. I wanted the poster to be bright and attract a lot of attention, this way when people see the colour they will read what it is for and encourage visitors. I hope that this would also attract families with children because it is easy to read and attractive for children. Here is the poster:
I made the poster with Photoshop because I am getting better each week at using this program. I think that it has turned out good and we intend to print some off to show to in the final presentation. I would like to have an A3 version of the poster just to show what it would look like if it got put up around the city.
After making the poster I made the diagram of the exhibit. I think the diagram that I created updates our original ideas and we have decided to make the 'do', 'watch', 'listen' in to one room instead of 3. This allows the exhibit to run faster and give people the chance to use all of their senses at once. When presenting this diagram I want to have it large on the projector so that we can talk through the diagram, rather than having it covered in text. Here is the diagram:
The diagram is very simple and has a few symbols to show what certain objects are. When this is in our presentation, we will be able to go through each section and show exactly what each part is about. We have put this in the Prezi presentation that we are currently creating; this way we can go straight to it inside the presentation itself. We also want to create a 3D model of the exhibit if we have the time, but we will see!
After creating these we had a meeting with the lecturers just to see where we are up to. This was useful because we basically had a realisation of what needs to be done in the next week or so. I think that we will have a solid 15 minutes presentation for this piece.

Speak soon!

Friday 9 March 2012

Doors exhibit research...

On our day off, we decided to go to the museum and see the exhibit as a group that we are basing the Production Practice assignment on. The doors exhibit is really something special and so we took time to read every poem and find out where all the doors are actually from. This will eventually enable us to choose a story to follow in our film; making the piece more intriguing.
I decided that I was going to look at these locations on the doors:
The Everyman Theatre
Strawberry Fields Children's Home
Hartleys Hut, Albert Dock
Anfield and Goodison
Madryn Street, L8
I think that using the Everyman Theatre would be very interesting as it is an icon of Liverpool. I have emailed the access team to see if we could film inside the Everyman and possibly ask about where the door was, etc. We could then follow the story of the person who donated the door or even what the door used to lead to (I.E. the stage).
The Strawberry Fields Children's Home have donated a lot of doors to the exhibit so it only seems fitting that we use this place as a story to tell. Unfortunately, I cant seemed to find any contact for the Strawberry Fields site and so this might be a dead end. Also, the original gates have been moved so we wouldn't have that nice setting to go off.
Hartleys Hut on the Albert Dock is names after the architect Jesse Hartley who created the Albert Dock. I do think that there could be a story behind this; and the Albert Dock is well known so we would have a wide audience. I have emailed a contact that I found through the Albert Dock website so hopefully they will be able to tell me more about filming and interviews.
I know that Anfield and Goodison are both long shots, but I think that the stories behind these doors would be really fascinating as we could focus on a multitude of things. I was unable to find a contact for Anfield, but I was able to find a contact for Goodison through the Everton website. I have send an email and I am not waiting for a reply. Fingers crossed!
I didn't know anything about Madryn Street in L8 so this intrigued me to research in to it. I found that Ringo Starr used to live on Madryn Street, although the door is not his, it still has a connection to the area. If the site hasn't been knocked down yet (which it was getting threatened) then we may have something!

Once we had chose doors to look at for research I decided to just sit and take in some of the poetry. I thought it would be nice to include a poem to pay homage to Roger McGough and all his efforts towards this project. I have started working on something so we will see!

Speak soon!
Image Credits:

Contemporary Media Issues - Creating a Character

In this session, we discussed what we all thought about the Weavrs that we tried to create in the last session. We decided that the Weavr was inconsistent and too random. Creating these bots didn't work for anyone as all of the accounts seemed to get blocked as they were 'fake'. It certainly didn't work for me and wouldn't even set itself up at the beginning. It was very temperamental and I don't think I would attempt to use one again.
The lecturers understood this issues that occurred when using the Weavr system and so we decided to start looking at representation in the media.

  • Purpose
  • Appearance
  • Wardrobe
  • Actions/Mannerisms
  • Lighting
  • Connections with others
  • Shot type
  • Descriptions
  • Synonyms used
  • Nouns used
  • The way in which the character speaks
After we looked at these examples; we then moved on to working in groups. We were given the task of creating on online character that would be perceived to be real to outsiders. We decided to work in a large group and create a character each. We are going to make these characters as if they are a bunch of students living together.
Here is the main bio for my character:

Name: Jacques Dubois
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 31st October 1991
Occupation: Student
Studying: World Culture and Literacy
University: University of Liverpool
Interests: Photography, fashion, culture and books
Likes: Drinking good wine, learning new things, spending time with his brother, travelling
Dislikes: People who are not interested in what he is, unfashionable people, messy people

View Larger Map
This map shows Jacques home town!

I have also wrote a bit of a background about him:
Originally from a town just outside of Paris called Meaux. (Former address - 12 Cours de Verdun, Place Lafayette, 77100 Meaux, France). He has always been very close to his brother Pierre and they always do everything together. Photography has always been a strong passion of his. He likes his photographs to show his life. Secretly, Jacques likes to make fun out of the people he dislikes. He is not confrontational so he just talks to his brother of tells the internet. 

I and the rest of the group are really excited about this project and we can't wait to start making all of the details to go along with these characters.

Speak soon!

Creativity and Concept - Development

In this creativity and concept session, each group had to have a meeting with the lecturers about our museum exhibit ideas. Our group chose Film Enthusiasts, and so the exhibit is all about film! Unfortunately, I was the only one in today so I had to have the meeting alone (great!) but it went very well. I presented to the lecturers these documents that I have been working on; they give you an insight in to what the final presentation will be like and also the real life exhibit.
They seemed really enthusiastic about what I was suggesting. They also gave me some tips and thoughts on what they would like to see and some changes that I should think about. Here is what they gave me:
  • Create one room maybe rather than three. Making the exhibit a sensory overload
  • Maybe include more about films that came from/filmed in Liverpool (relevant to the museum)
  • Include emotions for the 4 walls - each wall has a different emotion portrayed through the films that are screened (sadness, love, anger and laughter)
I like the idea of incorporating these aspects so we will see how it goes. I need to tell the rest of my group what went on, however only one of them has been in at all so I think it will just be the two of us developing this idea. GO GRYFFINDOR!

Speak soon!

Production Practice - Development of Factual Piece

In this lecture we had to present what we had for the factual piece so far. We have a lot of ideas; and because we have already started filming this gives us a positive start. I wrote down a few things that we have done, need to do, etc.
Interviewed Roger McGough (Poet)
Interviewed Bill Longshaw (Representative of the Museum)

Interviewed Tracey Escolme (Student who worked on the exhibit)
Shots of the doors event

Speeches at the museum event
Need To:
Get external shots of the museum
Do time lapse at a busy time
More internal shots of the exhibit
Try and interview more LJMU people (awaiting an email)
Not able to a tripod inside the museum
Might not get any more interviews
Mark Cockram lives in London (interview not possible)
Filming schedule
Email documents
Photographic evidence document
Report on the factual piece
Health and safety documents
Possible Schedule Times:
Thursday 8th March - Go to the museum and research more about exhibit
Saturday 10th March - Free
Thursday 15th March - Free
Saturday 17th March - Free
Possibly free on Sundays
Extra information:
Need to go the museum on busy days to show how popular the exhibit is, however, we also need to go on quiet days so we can get detailed shots of the doors without disturbing visitors.

I would also like to get the music that is playing in the exhibit to go over the film that we make. I think that this will be effective, I just need to find out how to get it. It is by someone called Matt McGough - I'm assuming he is a relation of Roger McGough.

I like to make these sort of notes to present to our lecturer so that he knows exactly where we are up to. We sat at a table an had a discussion with him showing where we were up to and what out next moves are. Such lectures help because they usually spark new ideas or allow us to choose one that we want to focus on.
We came up with a few points to think about which will enable us to find a story within this piece. We need to find an interesting story to have because that is what the aim is; if we don't then we won't achieve the grade that we want. (I am determined to get a first in this project just to top off a successful first year in production!)
Here are the other notes I made:

  • Go to the places where the doors are from and film - maybe black and white to show that this is their past home
  • Interview people from LJMU involved in the doors project, in case we can't find people who donated the doors
  • Time lapse of museum itself - morning/night (at the start and end of the film maybe?)
  • Maybe try and get more Roger McGough interview
  • Try and find 2 or 3 individual door stories that are interesting to focus on
I found this session very useful for the factual piece because I think that it made all of us realise that we really do need to find an interesting story to focus on. This will grab the audience's attention and will also change it from a news piece to a real story.

We also found out the grades for the person profile piece; this is the one that we did about a fireman. Unfortunately, we only got a 2.2, I personally think that this doesn't reflect the work that went in to this film. Myself and Gemma worked very hard on this piece and I do think that we should have at least got a higher grade. Not to mention all of the extra individual work that I do for each piece. We have all said that a meeting at the end of the year would be appropriate to discuss all of the grades given and any issues that we have had within the group - which we have. Anyway, this session was very useful and productive, hope we stay on this path!

Speak soon!

Sunday 4 March 2012

My Photography Blog

Unfortunately, Blogger isn't ideal for displaying photography, which is my other passion! So I have created another blog to display them using Tumblr. I have been taking one photograph per day and displaying them on this blog; some of them are photo collections because of events, etc.
Here is the link:

Film Language - The Auteur and Film Criticism

The singularity of meaning:
Roland Barthes 'The Death of The Author' (1968)
''The author is thought to nourish the book...''

Alfred Hitchcock:
''Film directors live with their pictures while they are being made. They are their babies just as much as an authors novel is the offspring of his origination'' (1927).

WK Wimsatt & Monroe Beardsley 'The Intentional Fallacy' (The Verbal Icon, 1954).
1. Internal Evidence
2. External Evidence
3. Intermediate Evidence

Cahiers du Cinema:
- Founded in 1951 by Jaques Doniol-Valcroze, Joseph Lo Duca and Andre Bazin.
- Alexandre Astruc's 'The Birth of a New Avant-Garde - The Camera-Stylo' (1948).
- Francois Truffaunt's 'A Certain Tendancy of the French Cinema' (1954).
- Andre Bazin's 'On the Politique des Auteurs' (1957).

Cahiers and Hollywood:
A decision to valoise 'popular' rather than 'art' cinema.

Cahiers Criticism:
The primacy of the specifically visual in an understanding of film - from scriptwriter to director.

The Destiction Between:
- Auteur (''signature'')
- Metteur-en-scene (''No signature'')

US and UK:
Andrew Sarris 'Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962' (Film Culture, 1962).

'Movie' (First issue: June 1962) Created by Ian Cameron and V.F. Perkins. From the Film Studies department at the University of Warwick).

Possible Auteur Elements:
- Cinematography
- Mise-en-Scene
- Actors/crew
- Themes/motifs
- Emphasis on psychological realism
- Popular genre film making

Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) - The British Films:
He attended the University of London to do Art. He then became a designer at Henley Telegraph. In 1920 he moved to Paramount Pictures. He made his first film in 1922 which was an adaptation of 'Woman to Woman'. He had various assistant director roles throughout the 20's. In 1926 he went to Munich and produced Anglo-German productions.
Earliest Films:
Number Thirteen (1922) Lost
Always Tell Your Wife (1923) Lost
The Pleasure Garden (1925/6) Germany
The Mountain Eagle (1926) Lost/Germany
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1926)

We watched 'The Lodger' as part of this lecture and I loved watching such an old film. It gives you perspective of how far cinema has came and how film making has changed over 100 years or there abouts Themes in this film were:
Communication Technology
Text on screeen

We then watched 'The Ring' from 1928, this was another very old film which was intriguing. I liked looking at how they used the camera to create metaphores and visual hints. Themes in this film were:
Hidden Identity
Reduced intertitles

The Studios and Hitchcock:
1926 - 1927 = Gainsborough Pictures (Michael Balcon) - Islington Studios
1928 - 1932 = British International Pictures (John Maxwell) - Elstree Studios
1933 - 1937 = Gaumont - British (Michael Balcon) - Lime Grove Studios
1938 = Gainsborough ('The Lady Vanishes')

Book - Charles Barr - 'English Hitchcock'

Themes and Hitchcock:
Truth and falsity

Motifs and Hitchcock:
Monumental backdrops
Desirable object/the MacGuffin
Untrustworthy women
Unjustly accused innocent
Women as enigma

Styles and Hitchcock:
Careful composition
Contrast of light/colour
Artificial backdrops

More British Hitchcock Films:
Juno and Paycock (1930)
Murder! (1930)
The Skin Game (1931)
Rich and Strange (1931)
Number Seventeen (1932)
Waltzes From Vienna (1934)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
The 39 Steps (1935)
Secret Agent (1936)
Sabotage (1936)
Young and Innocent (1937)
The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Jamaica Inn (1939)
Frenzy (1972)

I found this lecture very useful and I learned a lot that I did not previously know about Alfred Hitchcock. I love his films and I hope to see more of them in the future; especially the old ones!

Speak soon!

I struck gold..

...With the factual piece for Production Practice. Somehow I managed to get access to a private event at the Museum of Liverpool; for the unveiling of the new 'Doors' exhibit. I emailed the museum and also the creator of the exhibit Roger McGough (Liverpool poet). We managed to get to film the whole event and even get interviews from Roger McGough, Bill Longshaw (Curator of Social History for the museum) and Tracey Escolme (A student who worked on the project).
It was a wonderful experience to be in such an environment. It was even better, as we were the only camera at the event so we had the best spot for filming all of the exhibit and also a lovely back drop for interviewing. Only I and one other group member went to the event because we 
were advised that the less people the better because it was already full.
I loved filming and we also got the opportunity to do proper interviews so I had a good evening all round. We are looking at going back to the museum to get more footage for the film and I have also enquired about interviewing more students from LJMU who were involved in the project. I hope we are able to do this because I think it will make the factual piece more depth.
I really like the assignment so far, so lets see how it goes! Anyway, here are some photographs from the evening that I took.
The interview with Roger McGough, the famous Liverpudlian Poet went very well, he was lovely to speak to and we were very grateful for his time. Here are the questions that we asked him:

  • How did this exhibit come about?
  • Did you work with the LJMU students much and how did you find it?
  • Just give us a taster of what the exhibit is about, what do you want visitors to take from it?
  • What is your relationship with Mark Cockram?
  • What do you think of the new museum of Liverpool?
  • Give us a flavour of the poems included in the exhibit, any themes, etc?
Can't wait to see how the film turns out!

Speak soon!

Creativity and Concept - 5 Minute Presentation

This weeks Creativity lecture allowed us in our groups to give a 5 minute presentation about our museum exhibit ideas. This was to give the whole class an insight in to what we are doing. Finally another member of the group was in so I wasn't alone this week, we prepared a presentation. I made a Powerpoint just to make the small presentation a bit easier to do. We weren't best prepared; mainly because I was alone last week and had to create the idea by myself. However I think we did well to create the presentation because I filled the other group member in on the idea.
Here are the slides that I created for the presentation:
After we done our presentation, we received feedback from everyone on post it notes. This allowed me and Ashleigh to see what we could do to improve our ideas or presentation skills. This exercise was useful and I now know that we need to develop it a lot more.

Speak soon!

Contemporary Media Issues - Identity

This weeks Contemporary Media Issues was all about identity. We first discussed what we thought identity was:

  • What your perceived as
  • How we represent ourselves to others
  • Online representation (Facebook, etc)
  • Gaming avatars (virtual)
  • Social networks - Mediated version
  • Online relationships - distant/fleeting
  • Fictionalised lives/characters
The idea of our online identities is a strange one because we feel as though we try not to be too different from our real selves. However, every persona that we have on the internet is a representation of our real selves. We do not always reveal everything about ourselves when it comes to things like social networking sites or avatars. This is something that people may do to get away from their real lives and have fantasy lives because real life isn't that exciting. However this could be seen as fraud because you may be pretending to be something you are not and this could confuse people.
We had a look at Weavrs; a site that allows you to create bots that can interact through social networks online such as Twitter. We created one each but they didn't really work because there were a few glitches. However, this did give us the chance to see what it is like creating something like a fake profile. It is interesting that such things exists because you wonder what they are used for other than experiments.
Personally, I wouldn't make such a thing in my spare time because I think it is a waste of time. I much prefer to just have one persona on the internet and that is one that I try to make as realistic as possible without it physically being me. I just hope that nobody has used one of these fake 'bots' on me!

Speak soon!