Tuesday 13 March 2012

Creativity and Concept - More Development

In another Creativity and Concept lesson, me and Ashleigh further developed our work for the Museum of Liverpool project. In this lesson I created an advertisement poster and also a diagram of the museum exhibit. I wanted the poster to be bright and attract a lot of attention, this way when people see the colour they will read what it is for and encourage visitors. I hope that this would also attract families with children because it is easy to read and attractive for children. Here is the poster:
I made the poster with Photoshop because I am getting better each week at using this program. I think that it has turned out good and we intend to print some off to show to in the final presentation. I would like to have an A3 version of the poster just to show what it would look like if it got put up around the city.
After making the poster I made the diagram of the exhibit. I think the diagram that I created updates our original ideas and we have decided to make the 'do', 'watch', 'listen' in to one room instead of 3. This allows the exhibit to run faster and give people the chance to use all of their senses at once. When presenting this diagram I want to have it large on the projector so that we can talk through the diagram, rather than having it covered in text. Here is the diagram:
The diagram is very simple and has a few symbols to show what certain objects are. When this is in our presentation, we will be able to go through each section and show exactly what each part is about. We have put this in the Prezi presentation that we are currently creating; this way we can go straight to it inside the presentation itself. We also want to create a 3D model of the exhibit if we have the time, but we will see!
After creating these we had a meeting with the lecturers just to see where we are up to. This was useful because we basically had a realisation of what needs to be done in the next week or so. I think that we will have a solid 15 minutes presentation for this piece.

Speak soon!

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