Thursday 29 March 2012

First year of university...

Well I literally cannot believe how quick this first year of Media Professional Studies at LJMU has gone! It has flew by and so much has happened! I am looking forward to next year in our new amazing building, but for now I am reminiscing about this first year.
I love meeting new people, and on this course I have made some wonderful friends who I hope to stay friends with for a very long time. I never thought that I would move out of my house but from July I will be living with three girls off the course and I am so excited. Again this will be another new experience and I can't wait for it to begin!
I have learned so much this year; from filming and editing to how to be more creative. There has been ups and downs on the course with peers and also just because of stress due to deadlines. However, I think that it has been a very productive time in my life because I have made that step away from school and home. I now feel more independent and I think I have more skills than ever as a media student. I couldn't have asked for more, I have had the most fun ever with all of my new media student friends and I am entirely sure that it is going to carry on for the next two years (at least!). Although we still have some written work to be handed in, the first year is actually over - no more lectures! Now I suppose I need to get a job over the summer and start paying for this amazing flat that I am moving in to on Mount Pleasant (just around the corner from the new building). I don't think I have ever been more excited about the future!
Me and few others have decided that we still want to make some films and things over the summer so that is something more close to look forward to. We are called 'Imagine That? Media Productions' and are all, I would say, best friends! I will put a link to our Facebook page at the end.

So what I would like to say is thank you. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in this first year, thank you to everyone that I have met for making this big step in my life a fantastic experience, and basically - ROLL ON YEARS TWO AND THREE! Hope I see everyone over the summer, and if not, enjoy it while it lasts guys!

Here are links to all of my channels, blogs, pages, etc...

Lennon Media Productions Facebook
Lennon Media Productions Twitter
Lennon Media Productions Tumblr
Lennon Media Productions YouTube Channel
Imagine That? Media Productions Facebook

Speak soon!

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