Wednesday 14 March 2012

Digital Media Tools - My website :)

I have blogged about my original designs for my website, showing all the designs for the pages. I have since updated to look that I am going for because I thought that it needed something else. Here is what the pages look like now (still in Photoshop).
I have decided to add a background image to the pages because I thought that there was just too much white. I found an image on the internet but I have since edited it and changed it completely in Photoshop. I have matched the colours with the theme of the website and I have made it so the file is a PNG. This will make it much easier to put in to Dreamweaver next session. This is all the development that I have done for now, because I need to start using Dreamweaver and learning how to do everything. I think that I will be okay because we have done a few sessions of practice. I am confident that I will have my site ready for the deadline.
I also need to choose what content I would like to put on the website, this is things such as films, photographs, etc. I can't wait until I have a finished product!

Speak soon!

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