Sunday 4 March 2012

Creativity and Concept - 5 Minute Presentation

This weeks Creativity lecture allowed us in our groups to give a 5 minute presentation about our museum exhibit ideas. This was to give the whole class an insight in to what we are doing. Finally another member of the group was in so I wasn't alone this week, we prepared a presentation. I made a Powerpoint just to make the small presentation a bit easier to do. We weren't best prepared; mainly because I was alone last week and had to create the idea by myself. However I think we did well to create the presentation because I filled the other group member in on the idea.
Here are the slides that I created for the presentation:
After we done our presentation, we received feedback from everyone on post it notes. This allowed me and Ashleigh to see what we could do to improve our ideas or presentation skills. This exercise was useful and I now know that we need to develop it a lot more.

Speak soon!

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