Wednesday 14 March 2012

Contemporary Media Issues - Jacques!

So I have started heavily developing my fake online character for this lecture. Jacques is coming along nicely and so I will give you a sneak peak in to what he is like and he has posted online!
Firstly, I took a photograph of myself and edited it on Photoshop so that I looked more like a French man. Here it is!
Looking pretty French there... So I thought that this would do as the profile picture for all of the accounts that I have made. On Facebook, we have also created a group called 'Flat 34' and this is all of the members of our actual group in a Facebook group. We wanted it to look like we are real students who live together. Here is a screen shot of the group:
My Facebook is quiet detailed; I have given Jacques a lot of interests including books, films, etc. I have also included people who inspire him and even inspirational quotes that he likes. Here is the Facebook information page for Jacques:
As you can see I have tried to flesh out the character quiet a bit to make him believable. I tried to base it on what my real Facebook profile looks like in order to make it realistic. Facebook has also been used for events being made. For example, 'Sage' which is Becca's character, created a charity event about whales (because her character loves them!).
Here is the Facebook event for that:
We thought this would be a good idea because it is in Liverpool and also makes our characters have more of a life outside of Facebook. We all apparently went to this event (even though it was fake) and we also got our real Facebook's involved to spark more conversations and interactions. I decided to make a poster for this event, to make it more realistic still. Making the poster also adds to Jacques character as he claims to very creative. Here is the poster:
I started getting really in to this fake profile thing and it was as if I was really Jacques when I was logged in as him. Me and Elicia had a lot of interaction on Facebook as our characters were brothers. This allowed us to make conversations and give our 'walls' some more content. We all decided that Facebook wasn't going to be enough for the characters to seem 100%, so we went out further in to the social networks and made other accounts to interact on. Personally, my character has Twitter, eBay, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr and YouTube. I wanted to make all of these accounts because they are what I have so I know how to use them and also what to do to make them. I will now talk about Twitter.
The Twitter profile that I have made for my character looks like this:
I chose the background because I wanted it to look a bit 'artsy' and like he is sort of loving himself. Because he is French, I assume that he is in touch with his feminine side, without being homosexual. I have made him follow similar interests from his Facebook page. This includes a few photography pages and also all of the people he has on Facebook. We have had conversations on Twitter between the characters in our group but we have also interacted with members of other groups in their character. This made all of the characters seem like real people, giving them more connections and more of a personality. I have been concentrating very much on how Jacques speaks to give him personality traits. I have also tried to make him pretentious because he doesn't like the fact that he has to speak English even though he has moved to Liverpool.
Another account that I created is Tumblr. Tumblr is a blogging website but it isn't really for speaking but rather just expressing what you are interested in. Again this has allowed me to discover who Jacques is and what his likes and dislikes are. Here is his Tumblr:
Again I made the blog a bit pretentious. It has a simply layout theme to show his superiority but the things that he blogs about are not always sensible. I made the blog to show his obsession with certain subjects - World domination, moustaches and photography. Again, because he is French I have made his speak in French on the blog, but sometimes using English to get points across to his followers, etc. I have made him obsessed with moustaches because his and his brother have impressive ones themselves. The blog is his sort of outlet of all things that he likes because on Facebook he doesn't really speak about what he likes but rather what he dislikes.
I have also made this Pinterest account:
Pinterest is another outlet showing what Jacques is interested in, his Pinterest gives you an insight in to the fact that he is missing his home life in France. He talks briefly about this but he is obviously a closed off person who doesn't like to discuss his feelings.
I made a Flickr account (that isn't developed much) but he has uploaded photographs from when he was in Paris. I actually took these photographs when I was in Paris so they are not copied!
Making a Flickr account supports the fact that he says that he is very interested in Photography. Of course I haven't got too many photographs to show, but alongside all of the other work I am hoping this will do! I also made an eBay account which is visible through his Facebook page because he shares links to his wall and also to other people. Here are all of the usernames for Jacques accounts for you to add him or just go on and have a look!

Facebook: Jacques Benoit Dubois
Twitter: JacquesDubois26

Tumblr: jacquesdubois26
Pinterest: Jacques Dubois
Flickr: JacquesDubois26

I also provided my two email accounts for Jacques on Facebook incase anyone wanted to get in touch:

I did make a YouTube for mine and Elicia's characters to have a vlogging channel but I don't think we will have time for it. However here is the logo that I made for our 'company':
I wish it was real because I love this logo! Anyway, the presentation for these characters is next week so we will see what happens!

Speak soon!

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