Friday 9 March 2012

Contemporary Media Issues - Creating a Character

In this session, we discussed what we all thought about the Weavrs that we tried to create in the last session. We decided that the Weavr was inconsistent and too random. Creating these bots didn't work for anyone as all of the accounts seemed to get blocked as they were 'fake'. It certainly didn't work for me and wouldn't even set itself up at the beginning. It was very temperamental and I don't think I would attempt to use one again.
The lecturers understood this issues that occurred when using the Weavr system and so we decided to start looking at representation in the media.

  • Purpose
  • Appearance
  • Wardrobe
  • Actions/Mannerisms
  • Lighting
  • Connections with others
  • Shot type
  • Descriptions
  • Synonyms used
  • Nouns used
  • The way in which the character speaks
After we looked at these examples; we then moved on to working in groups. We were given the task of creating on online character that would be perceived to be real to outsiders. We decided to work in a large group and create a character each. We are going to make these characters as if they are a bunch of students living together.
Here is the main bio for my character:

Name: Jacques Dubois
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 31st October 1991
Occupation: Student
Studying: World Culture and Literacy
University: University of Liverpool
Interests: Photography, fashion, culture and books
Likes: Drinking good wine, learning new things, spending time with his brother, travelling
Dislikes: People who are not interested in what he is, unfashionable people, messy people

View Larger Map
This map shows Jacques home town!

I have also wrote a bit of a background about him:
Originally from a town just outside of Paris called Meaux. (Former address - 12 Cours de Verdun, Place Lafayette, 77100 Meaux, France). He has always been very close to his brother Pierre and they always do everything together. Photography has always been a strong passion of his. He likes his photographs to show his life. Secretly, Jacques likes to make fun out of the people he dislikes. He is not confrontational so he just talks to his brother of tells the internet. 

I and the rest of the group are really excited about this project and we can't wait to start making all of the details to go along with these characters.

Speak soon!

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