Tuesday 27 March 2012

Creativity and Concept - 15 minute presentation

Today we had to do our 15 minute presentation for the Museum of Liverpool exhibit. Again, our user group was Film Enthusiasts and so our exhibit was all about film. We had to present all of the work that we had done to 4 of the lecturers; it was a pitch for the museum piece as if we were actually going to make it. I think that the presentation went really well because we were able to use a Prezi, our Facebook page, camera equipment that we had set up to show what the exhibit would look like, posters that we printed off in various sizes and also users profiles that we created. The only thing that I think may mark us down is that it didn't seem like it went on for 15 minutes. Maybe that is just me because when we were doing it it just seemed to fly by, but who knows! I will link you to the Prezi and to the Facebook page and I will also show you the poster that we created.


Facebook Page

There are more images that I created on Photoshop on the Facebook page so feel free to take a look! Alls we need to do now is wait for our results, but that is Creativity and Concept over!

Speak soon!

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