Friday 9 March 2012

Production Practice - Development of Factual Piece

In this lecture we had to present what we had for the factual piece so far. We have a lot of ideas; and because we have already started filming this gives us a positive start. I wrote down a few things that we have done, need to do, etc.
Interviewed Roger McGough (Poet)
Interviewed Bill Longshaw (Representative of the Museum)

Interviewed Tracey Escolme (Student who worked on the exhibit)
Shots of the doors event

Speeches at the museum event
Need To:
Get external shots of the museum
Do time lapse at a busy time
More internal shots of the exhibit
Try and interview more LJMU people (awaiting an email)
Not able to a tripod inside the museum
Might not get any more interviews
Mark Cockram lives in London (interview not possible)
Filming schedule
Email documents
Photographic evidence document
Report on the factual piece
Health and safety documents
Possible Schedule Times:
Thursday 8th March - Go to the museum and research more about exhibit
Saturday 10th March - Free
Thursday 15th March - Free
Saturday 17th March - Free
Possibly free on Sundays
Extra information:
Need to go the museum on busy days to show how popular the exhibit is, however, we also need to go on quiet days so we can get detailed shots of the doors without disturbing visitors.

I would also like to get the music that is playing in the exhibit to go over the film that we make. I think that this will be effective, I just need to find out how to get it. It is by someone called Matt McGough - I'm assuming he is a relation of Roger McGough.

I like to make these sort of notes to present to our lecturer so that he knows exactly where we are up to. We sat at a table an had a discussion with him showing where we were up to and what out next moves are. Such lectures help because they usually spark new ideas or allow us to choose one that we want to focus on.
We came up with a few points to think about which will enable us to find a story within this piece. We need to find an interesting story to have because that is what the aim is; if we don't then we won't achieve the grade that we want. (I am determined to get a first in this project just to top off a successful first year in production!)
Here are the other notes I made:

  • Go to the places where the doors are from and film - maybe black and white to show that this is their past home
  • Interview people from LJMU involved in the doors project, in case we can't find people who donated the doors
  • Time lapse of museum itself - morning/night (at the start and end of the film maybe?)
  • Maybe try and get more Roger McGough interview
  • Try and find 2 or 3 individual door stories that are interesting to focus on
I found this session very useful for the factual piece because I think that it made all of us realise that we really do need to find an interesting story to focus on. This will grab the audience's attention and will also change it from a news piece to a real story.

We also found out the grades for the person profile piece; this is the one that we did about a fireman. Unfortunately, we only got a 2.2, I personally think that this doesn't reflect the work that went in to this film. Myself and Gemma worked very hard on this piece and I do think that we should have at least got a higher grade. Not to mention all of the extra individual work that I do for each piece. We have all said that a meeting at the end of the year would be appropriate to discuss all of the grades given and any issues that we have had within the group - which we have. Anyway, this session was very useful and productive, hope we stay on this path!

Speak soon!

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