Tuesday 4 October 2011

Contemporary Media Issues - Working with Prezi.com

In this module we are encouraged to use a lot of internet based media forms. Therefore, in this lesson we were given the task of creating a presentation in groups about personal items to us. We used Prezi.com for this exercise so that we could all become more familiar with using creative ways of presenting our work.

I have came across Prezi before doing previous work and so I had an idea of how the system worked, however even if I didn't I think that it would be easy enough to follow because of the simple step by step instruction that are given. Our presentation involved 6 people with an object for each of them. We brought in things that we thought were important, special and significant to us as an individual.

Thinking about how all of these objects are linked together, we decided that time would be a good way of explaining this. And so the introductory image for this presentation is a clock; representing the fact that each of items are from various times in our lives, whether they be new or old.

Before I give you the link for the presentation, I will talk a bit about my object.

My object was a blanket that I have had my entire life. My auntie made the blanket for my mum when she was in hospital before she had me, and I have slept with it as a comfort ever since. The blanket represents family to me and the fact that we are all connected through things that we have given each other. Strangely, I find it hard to sleep without my 'Blankie' now and it goes everywhere with me. It has been to France, Switzerland, Spain, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Greece and more. I love it more than any other object that I own. And if you asked me what I would grab if my house was on fire, it would be my 20 year old patchwork blanket. 

This is the link the the presentation that I and my group made in todays lesson, enjoy!

Our Objects Presentation in Prezi.

Speak soon!

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