Tuesday 4 October 2011

My new camera! (Hopefully)

Right. So I have realised that all my student loan can't be spent on clothes and going to the cinema. This has made me decide to buy a DSLR camera! Ridiculously priced camera's these babies, but I think it would benefit a lot of my work if I had one. I could also use it for leisure purposes too (for example I love attending music gigs and events so it would come in handy). 

Deciding on which camera to actually get is hard, but through reading the spec's and also trying to find the cheapest I have came up with this particular camera...
This is the Sony Alpha DSLR - A300. I hope hope hope to buy this within the next week so that I can start using it for my university projects!
As you can see I am very excited about this purchase, it feels like a good choice and a great investment for my money.

Speak soon!

Image Credit: www.itechnews.net

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