Monday 17 October 2011

People on the move...

So the next assignment that we have is 'People on the move'. We have to create a 1.30 to 2 minute film about a journey of someone, something or multiple someones and somethings!
We are just coming up with ideas individually at the minute, but this is my first sort of draft of a pitch to show my group when we have our next meeting:
Here are some (awful) sketches of ideas for the way in which I think we should film the short film. I have written anecdotes next to each image explaining what I mean. I want to shoot all of the film from the point of view of the person 'on the move'.
 Again more sketches of the initial ideas that I have came up with. I would like any establishing shots to tilt up from the feet in focus to show the relevance and location.
This final page shows ideas of what we should do in terms of plot line - who we are following and what will be the outcome. I have also noted down a few songs (from personal choice) which I feel are good walking/moving/travelling songs. We could use any of these (or some others!) over the film as we are not yet using the audio side of things.
Anyway, these are just some small ideas that I have had, hopefully we as a group can expand on these to come up with more detailed plans next meeting.

Speak soon!

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