Sunday 23 October 2011


So instead of having our normal lecture on Thursday, we instead had a workshop for Mofilm. We were given a brief to do with the Hindustan Times (an Indian/English newspaper). The idea was to create a short advert for the Newspaper that is related to their current campaign. The adverts are about people doing something that could be seen as wrong, and then someone gives them a sharp whack on the head with a copy of the paper to make them realise what they are doing!
Here are some examples that Mofilm introduced us to:

Of course we were excited to start as we only had the day to come up with the idea and at least have all of the footage, edited or not. The submission date is in November so we have more time to edit the sequences that we create.

The adverts that we submit  will be posted on the site under the Kathmandu 2011 competition and we could win a trip to Kathmandu, Nepal! This would be an amazing opportunity so I really wanted to create something amazing with our group!

Our finished product is not quite there so I will do another post about our final film, edited and finished for you all to see!

Speak soon!
Image credits:

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