Tuesday 11 October 2011

Forgot to mention!

How did I forget that the BBC came into Liverpool Screen School yesterday and gave a talk about their college of production. The talk was useful because they shown their new site which allows people who are involved or on the outside of the BBC to access videos, articles and a multitude of other things involved in the media today. Podcasts are constantly being uploaded to the site of interviews and informative videos allowing viewers to have an insight into the BBC.

I liked the talk that the BBC did because they also gave information about things that we should know before applying for a media related job. They suggested reading up on the BBC editorial guidelines to know the do's and don'ts of the business. It was also mentioned that we should look up the unit list website which is full of jobs in the industry.

I will take what they told me and hopefully put it in to practice to allow myself to get work experience or even paid work!

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