Monday 10 October 2011

A university lesson I particularly enjoyed... :)

This lesson was Creativity and Concept Development. The lesson consisted of the question 'What would you change about this room if you had unlimited money and resources?'. We basically had to think of as many things we would do as possible and just write them individually on post-it notes. Me and my partner came up with about 50 words or phrases. We then were asked to categories them into either 'ideas' or 'concepts'.

Ideas are things that are specific, they can be the words used to describe a final act after much deliberation. A concept, however, is something that will spark many ideas!

After coming up with all of the ideas and concepts and then organising them, we had to then put them on the wall either above or below a line. The above were concepts and the below were ideas! Once this was complete, we added as many ideas on concepts as we could, and this is what mine and Gemma's wall turned out like:
 I loved this exercise simply because it was fun. It allowed me to express all these silly ideas that I have running through my head for most of the day and even in my sleep. I like to be creative; if you give a basis I will usually have all kinds of variations and ideas. Post-its was a great idea because they are so quick and easy to use, and it allowed me to separate all my ideas.
Whilst all of this was just fictional, I started to get disappointed that our ideas would not come in to fruition. But then I realised that when I become a blockbuster film director, I can have a zero gravity room with disco lights and waiters if I really want to.
Me and my partner had the most ideas which I was fairly proud of, showing our creativity and also craziness. Hopefully Media Professional Studies is filled with these sort of activities, because I loved it!

Speak soon!

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