Tuesday 18 October 2011

People on the move - Continued.

We had another meeting about our People on the move project, and we came up with a more detailed overview of out plot, characters and details of locations, etc. This was useful because we collaborated our ideas rather than going away and thinking of our own. I decided to take photographs of the notes I made just to put them on my blog with ease. So here they are:
This is a brief plot line and then moving onto details of the 6 different sections we will have in the film. It is broken down from person to person to give a clearer view of transitions to various characters.
This is the following page showing the next few sections of the film. Each shows details of what the character is doing and the camera will be from their point of view of that person.
Then we have a list of locations in order of the times we shoot them. We have also listed the locations that we may have to get permission to film at and have chosen someone in the group to be in charge of this. We also have listed the types of shoes that the characters will be wearing (because ours is all about the feet!).
Finally we have a list of props that we are going to need for the shoot. This will allow us to collect the items prior to filming. We also have a job list of what jobs we have divided between the group so far. My main responsibilty is to type out all of the notes that we have made such as locations and props, and also to create a full script/plot of what will happen in our 2 minute film.

I am enjoying this project because I have never used the cameras before and so I feel this will allow me to learn as I go, from the teachers and also from my group members. Creating the film is going to be a fun process and I cant wait to start!

Speak soon!

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