Sunday 23 October 2011

Fear X and Chaos Cinema

So in our Film Language lesson we watched Fear X by director Nicolas Winding Refn, it is a Scandinavian Psychological Thriller. Throughout the screening we focused on the editing of the film as this was the lecture that we had in the morning beforehand. I find focusing on a particular aspect of a film when watching allows me to make more notes than I normally would because I have a specific point to work with.
After the screening we then went to our seminars and David shown our group 'Chaos Cinema' by Matthias Stork. The video (1 of 2) looks at film editing in great detail. Here is the link to his Vimeo site:

I found watching his video very informative because it elaborated in the lecture that we had about editing. Editing is something that allows film makers to create a story, rather than just a sequence of images.
Thought I would share this with you guys, because I really liked today's Film Language, I learnt a lot and as usual made a ridiculous amount of notes! Anyway...

Speak soon!

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