Tuesday 4 October 2011

Production Practice - Assignment One

So for this module on my university course, we had to split into groups and create a 20 to 30 photograph storyboard which conveys a story. This project is due in next week so naturally we have got cracking!

So, we started with just throwing ideas out about various stories that we had concocted at home. Then eventually came to the conclusion that all of these were rubbish. So we started on a new idea drawing from our own experiences of education and of course JMU. We decided to create a story about students who decide to break into the head of departments office (Trevor!) and steal the answer sheet for an upcoming exam.

Of course the story would be nothing without a bit of comedy so we decided to try and create a lot of comedic shots within our storyboard. I feel as though this is going to work well and we are collaborating as a group very effectively.
This is the first draft of our amazing storyboard... Okay so I know it doesn't look much right now, but Rome wasn't built in a day you know! This is the version were we were able to work out the kinks because of the handy whiteboard! We have a total of 26 shots that we intend to have in the final product but of course we will take many more to get the best composition, lighting and focus that we can.
This is a single shot out of the storyboard. Of course not very detailed but gives the simple version of what we are looking to get - NINJAS! Seriously though, we want the shots to be very plot orientated and showing as much of the story as possible. We also included which type of shot the photographs would be. For example, this shot is a Medium Close Up (MCU).

I started to get really enthusiastic about this project because it is our first. I am interested in photography and like to do it in my spare time, and this is photography based. I also have an A level in Drama and so being in the actual photographs will allow me to draw from this too!

Right, I will obviously keep you posted on how this project is going over the next week, developments of the storyboard and the likes. 

Speak soon!

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