Friday 28 October 2011

Avid - Editing Workshop

In our latest Production Practice lesson we had a workshop teaching the whole class how to use the editing Suite 'Avid'. The is the editing suite that we are going to be using for our first year as MPS students. After this I believe we will be introduced to Final Cut Pro, which is a more advanced editing suite for second and third years.

My first experience on Avid was in this workshop as I have never used official editing suites before. My experience of editing consists of using basic Microsoft packages for A level work creating trailers. I like how in LJMU we have access to the two screen system as to make using Avid easier. The two screens allows you to see all of the material that you are dealing with and so you can practically do two things at once.

On the whole, I found the workshop pretty boring (sorry lecturers!) but it was just a bit simple, and was dragged out from an activity that could be done in 10 minutes to an hour or more. I thought that the workshop would be more detailed because we only covered the basics (which are pretty easy - I thought a booklet would have been more helpful). This is just my opinion, but hopefully the editing will become more clear in the weeks to come. Just to clarify, I think editing is fun, but workshop at the pace we had - not so much!

Anyway thought I would share my thoughts and feelings, because that's what blogging is, right?

Speak soon!

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