Tuesday 1 November 2011

Making a Wiki... Continued.

So the Wiki that we are creating is coming along well now, just to refresh my group are doing one based on the book 'The Medium is the Massage' by Marshall McLuhan. I have done a couple of threads so far and added information to the main page. some of the work I have added is researched work but I have also created some of my own analysing comments to do with McLuhans theories. I am not a big fan of the Wiki, but I am starting to get more interested in the book that we are looking at because I have now seen video content, listened to Podcasts and create a Prezi for the page. Once you look more into the book it becomes easier to get your head around because at first it was very confusing.

Just thought I would make an update of how we are getting on, two of the group are off today so its pretty much an independant day for me. Here is the link to the Wiki on Wetpaint to show you the changes that have been made in the past week.


Speak soon!

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