Monday 14 November 2011

Fim Language - Scene analysis update

I handed in my scene analysis on Friday. Well when I say handed in I mean uploaded it onto the JMU site for the lecturer's to download (technology eh?). Anyway, I think it went really well, I didn't mind doing it because it allowed me to put into practice some of the new things that I have learned so far. The task itself did becoming a bit mind numbing - tabbing through all the boxes and filling in minute details about the shortest shots in the world. But hey, at least it didn't ruin Inception for me, still love the film in its entirety.
The scene that I chose ended up having 112 individual shots in it, but I grouped a couple of shots together so eventually wrote about 95 shots. I wrote about the composition, edit, cinematography, voice/dialogue, sound effects, music and dramatic function. I think the whole assignment took me about 10 hours to complete, then I proof read the whole thing and added in any extra terminology or theories I could.
I can't unfortunately upload my actual analysis because of the size, etc. But its not exactly a light read anyway so I will let you use your imagination. Hopefully I will receive good feedback from the assignment, and even though it will not go towards my final mark, I am interested to find out what the lecturers think of the way I write about film.

Speak soon!

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