Tuesday 1 November 2011

Our photo storyboard feedback

In the last Production Practice lesson we further developed ideas for the People on the Move task, created a schedule for filming and booked out the equipment. We also recieved feedback for the last project that we did which was creating a photo storyboard.
The feedback that we recieved as a group was really positive and we have been told to keep working at this standard because we are doing well. I am very happy with the comments that we got off the two lecturers and the grade that we were given was on the border of 2.1 and 1st. We will get the actual mark in the near future which will tell us whether we actually did get a 1st (I hope we do!).
We were emailed a sheet showing the criteria for the project, and also what sections we were marked in.

This is the table that we were sent (poor quality), and the green sections show were we were placed in the marking criteria.
Hopefully our group can keep working well as a team for the People on the Move work, we are doing well at the minute and our lecturer Corin said that 'we are ahead of the game'. So it looks like we are on track for another good project, hopefully our story will translate to the others in the class! I will keep blogging about the People on the Move about filming, etc in the near future.

Speak soon!

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