Thursday 24 November 2011

Making a game!

Unfortunatly I was off in the last Contemporary Media Issues lesson, so I have had to catch myself up on what happened. I have found out that after looking at various games in the previous lesson, the task was to create a game that could be put in place in the Liverpool Screen School. I asked my group what they started on and the game they have came up with is called 'Chutes and Catapults'. The idea is based around Snakes and Ladders; the classic childrens game from our childhood. What happens in the game is you are asked questions as you progress down the hall way in LSS and if you answer them correct you are catapulted forwards. However, if you answer them wrong you will have to take the chute back down the corridor.
I, myself, have started working on a presentation for next week so that we can show the rest of our class and lecturers the idea in full detail. I have started a Powerpoint giving all the information needed about the game we are creating. I also think it is a good idea to create an advertisement capmaign for around the Screen School. Therefore, I am creating a poster, instruction manual and also an advert that could go in the LSS newspaper. Creating all of this will allow everyone outside of our group to see that the idea could be feesable and fun too! (of course this is based on having an unlimited budget and freedom to do what we like).

I think that the game sounds very interesting and could liven up Liverpool Screen School if it was put in to place. As we all know, getting around LSS is very linear and boring; so the idea is to change this and make the students want to come to University more because of the fun and educational aspect of Chutes and Catapults. The educational aspect is that the questions you are asked at each room are related the the subject you are studying. So now you will have reason to revise, because if you dont get the questions right you will never reach your lecture!

Anyway, I will do another blog about this project showing the advertisements and presentation we have made. We are also looking at getting feedback from others to see what they think about our game. We will also create a small model to show what LSS would look like if we put Chutes and Catapults in to place!

Speak soon!

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