Tuesday 8 November 2011

Creativity and Concept - Ways of Thinking...

To get out minds ready for our assignment in Creativity and Concept, we were split in to groups and asked to research a specific thing that we have looked at over the past few weeks. My group got 'Eno Cards'. We had to create a visual research poster to show everyone else in the class what Eno Cards were and anything to do with them which might be useful such as web links. We decided to do a spider diagram sort of layout so that the information was pretty short and clear. We collected quotes, websites and information about the cards and wrote them down in an easy to understand way.
After everyone had created their poster for their given theme, we all stuck them on the walls and then had a look around at all the different posters! This was a very useful task because instead of all the information being in a boring essay form, we were able to see peoples hand drawn diagrams and different takes on the thinking methods. Here are a few photographs that I took during the lesson of the posters:

 After looking at everyone's work, I jotted down a few notes that I found useful from their posters and also ours. The assignment is to create a ScreenR presentation about the role of reflection in learning and creative practice. so I have decided that I am going to choose certain techniques to talk about and compare and contrast such techniques by linking them into Divergent and Convergent thinking.
Hopefully this assignment will go down smoothly, we have until 22/12/11 to complete this!

Speak soon!

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