Tuesday 8 November 2011

People On The Move

We officially started filming yesterday! We are group M1E and we decided that because all of the group will be in Liverpool over reading week, that we might as well start filming right away. Yesterday we had a morning of filming which went well, we filmed the opening scenes and tried a lot of different shots just so we have extra material to work with. Unfortunately, due to the weather, we had to reschedule our filming that we were going to do today. This isn't really a set back because we are ahead of schedule anyway!
We seem to have a few clashes of personalities going on (not naming names), but because everything is planned out we are working through these minor problems. Our film schedule is good to go and we are working from that, of course it has been adapted because of the change in day that we are filming what we wanted to film today.
I can see the filming being a success because we want to be ahead of the deadline so we have more time to fix anything that our lecturers think could use some work, and for the rough screening we want to have something that is coherent. I will keep updating about the People On The Move project when it develops.

Speak soon!

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