Saturday 19 November 2011

Film Language Grade.

We finally found out our grades for the scene analysis task that we handed in last Friday. I have been anticipating the grade because I want to know what the Film Language lecturers think about my work.
I'm not entirely sure what the grade was out of, but anyway I got 65 which is a 2:1 in University gradings. I am fairly happy with this result but as you my know I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I did want to do better than this. However, now I know how they grade and what I need to improve on when writing essays, etc.
We have a class test next week in the lesson and so now I am going to practice for this essay and try to improve on my analysis skills. I thought that the exercise was good for revising what we have learnt so far but was numbing towards the end. We gave the lecturers feedback on what we thought of the scene analysis and they now know that we would prefer to write essays.
I thought that the table format may have hindered my writing ability because it was just short sentences rather than better explanations. 
Anyway, I hope all of you did well on your scene analysis task!

Speak soon!

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