Monday 14 November 2011


I don't know if you guys know this, but I have two gerbils! And I have been taking photographs of them lately because they are just so photogenic and cute! Plus I get to use my new camera so that's a bonus. Little bio on my gerbils? Oh go on then!

Names: Turk (Black one) J.D (Blonde one)
Age: 2 and a bit years
Address: Gerbalerium (that's what its called on the box!), my conservatory, my house
Ethnicity: Mongolian gerbils
Passtimes: Chewing through tonnes of cardboard, play fighting, pooping, long walks on the beach...

Anyway, enough about them, here are a few pictures I took the other night :)
They are cute aren't they? I think so. I love my little munchkin's but they are getting old in gerbil years now! I hope to have them for a few more years, they are my little buddies! I was thinking about doing a gerbil animation, just for these guys.

Speak soon!

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