Wednesday 23 November 2011

Stop Motion Animation Work.

Working on a Stop Motion is something that I have been looking forward to on our course as Animation is what I am most particularly interested in. 
I'm not really sure why, but over the past 4 years I have become enthralled in Stop Motion animation; mainly fuelled by my love for Tim Burton and his collaborations with Henry Selick. Stop Motion to me is very personal and requires so much time and effort its a wonder these films even make it to the screen. I of course love the classic Wallace and Gromit films and shorts, because they were part of my childhood. I myself have not yet created a Stop Motion but I have created figures that could be used for Stop Motion purposes in my A Level Graphic Communications course. I am so looking forward to having a finished piece so I can finally say 'I did it!'.
The mini task we have been set is to create a one minute piece if animation, of anything we like. Naturally, having a sense of humour, me and my friends ran with this idea in to something very silly and comical.
We decided to create a stop motion about cutlery and a sort of melo-drama of what would happen if said cutlery had an affair! We think its hilarious and hopefully you all will to when its finished.
We are half way through (or there about's) as we have 24 seconds of stop motion so far. Of course we knew the enormity of creating a stop motion and so we decided to try and keep it simple. It seems, however, that the story we have wrote and storyboarded may be too long for the one minute we need; so we will have to work our way around this.
Here are the 2 pages of storyboard that I drew out:
The final Stop Motion will be posted soon for your enjoyment. I will probably have pictures from our shoot days to upload shortly as well.

Speak soon!

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