Tuesday 8 November 2011

New Purchases

I have recently been buying a lot of relevant purchases for the Media Professional Studies. This includes books and DVD's, the books that I have been buying are mostly from the recommended list we have been given in our Film Language booklets. I am half way through reading one of these books and already I see how relevant the book is to the course. The first book I am reading is 'Understanding Film Studies' from the Teach Yourself trademark. It is written by Warren Buckland and covers all the major issues that we have been looking at in relation to analysing film.
Other books that I have purchased include: 'The Classic Hollywood Cinema', 'Narration in the Fiction Film', and more recently the 5th edition of 'Film Art'. I have taken a few pictures so you know what they look like if you decide to buy them, but I don't have a photograph of Film Art because it has only just arrived.
I would say I have a good taste in film, and my DVD collection has always been pretty good, but recently I have been able to buy more of the DVD's I like because of my student finance. I have decided to buy some films that have been referred to in our lectures such as films from Alfred Hitchcock and those of Quentin Tarantino.
Because of Halloween, I decided to of course watch 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and then the classic thriller 'Psycho'. The small Alfred Hitchcock boxset I have purchased has 'Psycho', 'The Birds', 'Vertigo' and 'Rear Window'. 
I love my Tarantino boxset because he is one of my favourite directors. Just last night I decided to watch Kill Bill 1 and 2 back to back just to watch his genius story telling that I have seen a thousand times before. Only film missing that I need to buy is Inglorious Basterds!
Since buying all of these I have also gone on a crazy Tim Burton spree and bought all of the films he has directed and produced that I could get my hands on. They are still on there way getting delivered so I will brag about these later!
I hope to enrich my film knowledge with all of these new purchases, after all, the first thing we were told was to watch as much film and television as possible!

Speak soon!

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