Tuesday 8 November 2011

Animation - Digital Media Tools

In our last Digital Media Tools lesson, I was delighted to hear that we will be moving on to animation very shortly. This lesson was an introductory lesson to enable us to understand all the various types of animation and there uses. We look at various animation and artist who have used animation, we also referred back to lesson where we spoke about graphic novels and comics.
An interesting stop frame animation (or 'stop motion') that we looked at was called 'A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything'. Here is that animation:
Animations like this can be referred to as 'Frame Animation', it is easy to create by having a camera on a tripod and taking photographs at intervals depending on how smooth you want the film. 
Animation have became more advanced over the years, particularly through the company Pixar and of course Disney. The famous Pixar lamp animation is iconic for getting the company up and running by inspiring so many animators. Just for fun, here is the 'Luxo Lamp' short:
The types of animation that we will look at and be taught how to create are:

  • Stop Motion Animation
  • Cut-out Collage
  • Rota Scoping
  • Frame Animation
We will not be looking at 3D CGI (which is that of Pixar animations), this is something that I am not happy about, I would have liked to do this in the course, but I suppose I will have to have a look at this style of animation myself. I wanted to do this sort of animation because after university I hope to attend CalARTS which is the hub for all things Pixar.
We have been asked to try and have a look at the various techniques, maybe even test them out, and choose what one we would like to do for the project.
I am going to have a research into the different forms of animation and see which I would like to do! We are going to be working in pairs for this task so once I have a partner we will be able to get cracking after reading week!

Speak soon!
Video Credits: www.youtube.com

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