Saturday 26 November 2011

People On The Move - Locations

Filming our People On The Move piece has been a lot of hard work and one of the main problems has been location use.
       We decided that we wanted to film on a bus to show one of the change overs between characters, however, this fell through because our risk assessment form didn't clear. The rules for filming on public transport have changed and so we had to change this idea. We eventually came up with using the train station to show one character entering the gates and another leaving. We asked for permission on the day at Liverpool Central Station and they obliged. We wanted to get shots on the platform but we would have had to book a film day and we didn't have the time!
      The next issue for locations that we came across was Starbucks. We wanted to film one of the characters purchasing a coffee but unfortunately we couldn't get permission to film here or in any of the other coffee shops. We changed this idea so just someone walking along with a coffee as if they had already bought it. Again, we come across an issue with this because the shots didn't seem to work, so then we changed to character to someone who is in a rush and so they bump into the next person and drop their bag. This also avoids any accidents with the hot coffee!
      Another issue we have had is the Liverpool weather! Of course we were not expecting rays of sunshine, but at least dry weather. However this hasn't been the case in the past few week so we had to adapt not only the filming schedule, but some of the locations as well. One change that was made was instead of some shots being outside on Church Street in the City Centre, we used undercover shopping mall areas because the rain would damage the equipment.
      I think we have dealt with the location issues very well and we have been typical students and been a bit cheeky asking if we could film on the day. But all of the filming is complete now and it has paid off! Hopefully our editing session will go well and soon we will have a finished piece!

Speak soon!

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