Thursday 27 October 2011

The Medium is the Massage...

Since our last Contemporary Media Issues lesson, I have taken out this book from the library as to study it more in detail. Of course having a look through the book alone is important, but I also wanted the group to have a meeting with the book to discuss its contents together. We had this meeting in the latest CMI lesson, and it was useful to find out each others opinions on the book.

In this lesson we decided to each create a Prezi on the subject of 'The Medium is the Massage'. Each Prezi will soon be added to threads on our Wiki page. My personal Prezi was about imagery that Marshall McLuhan has either created or is the mind behind. This was to look more into the meaning behind some of the riddles that he has left behind since his death.

Other Prezi's that the group created were one being a profile on McLuhan, videos about McLuhan and interviews, and finally quotes from McLuhan and what they could or do mean. I think creating Prezi's to put on the Wiki will make the whole thing a bit more interesting because I think that a simple Wiki with written threads is boring to look at. For others to learn about our subject we want it to hold attention and be more adventurous. 

I found some images on the internet just to show you what the book looks like on the inside, I was going to scan the book but its extremely fragile! Literally, some pages are not even in the book and some are just clinging on for dear life.

These are some of the pages, as you can see some are all over the place and no page is the same as another. This graphic design look is due to the collaboration Marshall McLuhan had with Quentin Fiore; each page layout is different and many fonts and images are used which do make the book somewhat confusing but exciting.
Here is the link to the Prezi that I have created, and again a link to our Wiki, which is a working progress so be nice if you comment :)

Speak soon!
Image credits:

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